Ahh, maybe, maybe not. Seems like there are different flavors of these fields of political thought that prioritize Autonomy as analyzed here, but there are chunks of Left and Liberal that balance that with the sort of authentic connections, family life and sovereignty you describe as preferable. It's not an either/or, someone people autonomously decide to value those things.

Maybe it's about de-stigmatizing what it means to be autonomous and explore harmless degrees of freedom, without becoming a short-termist, hedonic burnout atomized individual.

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I've been wanting to write an essay on this very topic for years. Thanks for expressing so well my own thoughts.

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Excellent article my friend, I have one small critique to make. I am not as well versed in philosophy as you are, but from my understanding you argue that the atomization of individuals is partially a result of all relationships having to be consensual, or at least that these two things go together. However, I would argue that under a compulsive economic system, true consent does not ever exist, and thus ending economic exploitation is key to the de-atomization of individuals. Raising divorce rates are indeed indicative of social decline, but for example, if women or men stay together only for economic reasons, or because they feel they have a duty to stay together as a married couple, then the bond and their ability to relate to others deeply will only worsen. Sometimes divorce is for the best, and on this point, your critique of consensuality falls a bit short. The left in fact, practices a term which I learned in a sociology class to criticize the right ironically "cultural censorship" the fact is that they are not attempting to replace all institutions with pure autonomy, but instead create new institutions in order to squander autonomy of thought beyond what they consider acceptable, think of the bureaucracy of diversity consultants, admissions officers, the media industrial complex. The strongest point in your article was the point about sex work and transgender rights, everything is ok, as long as their is no current domination, really gets to the core of what they unwittingly believe. It is not considered that many sex workers have histories of trauma, liberation from past suffering is also necessary.

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